The 12 Kinds Of Guys Who Hit On Bartenders and Servers


This next piece I did at work was inspired a recent meeting that we had for our Social Media team (that’s me!).

As with all meetings, this one was about what you could expect. Just going over some general stuff and then onto the objectives that our bosses wanted to get at. But what I thought was interesting in this meeting was the fact that I learned that apparently the majority of Shiftgig’s community members are actually female.

This was completely unexpected news for me at least. Last I checked the numbers were hitting at a solid mid-60% range of females to a mid-30% range of males. So long story, short I realized that I had to alter my comedic style posts to be something that relates to a female audience better.

And that’s how I came up with this article.


Shiftgig Left Overs


The following is a left over article that I wrote for Shiftgig but that wasn’t posted. My boss and I decided that not every article that I write is completely necessary.

Anyway, the title of this article is:


This Guy Is Possibly the World’s BEST Beer Pong Trick Shotter


And as it implies, this is a Youtube video I found of a guy who does insane trick shots of beer pong. Check it out, it’s pretty cool!



What's Real?

Truth or Fiction?


This next article that I wrote for was a step in a new direction of sorts.

I decided that instead of just simply telling another crazy bar story (because everyone’s heard their fair share of those) I would write a story and have the readers guess whether or not the story was true.

Additionally, I asked the readers to pick out which parts of the story, specifically, are complete fabrications if they believe that that particular story was fictional.

So here it is, a bar story to test your own built-in Bullshit-o-meter!

Is it real or fake?

Penrose Triangle

Drunk Fail

21st Birthday Fail


This next story that I wrote for Shiftgig was something that I witnessed personally while still working in the industry in the summer of 2013. Anyway, please learn from this girl’s mistake and don’t do what she did.

EPIC 2st Birthday Fail!” 21st!Until next time,


That’s One Way to Get a Tip


While sitting at work the other day, I couldn’t help but notice that an interesting video popped up on my Facebook feed.

It was about a restaurant who decided that they’d had enough with non-tipping customers, and so they actually decided to physically prevent a table from leaving until they paid their bill in full with a tip.

Here’s the link:

“Give me my tips!!!” Shitty Tipper

The Four Horsemen


So one of my favorite drinks, if not my number favorite, is the Four Horsemen.

Yes, it’s a very strong drink, but that’s part of the appeal for me. And if you don’t know what a Four Horsemen is then please check out this short post that I made:

“The Four Horsemen” Four Horsemen

Bas Rutten Bar Fight Video!


If you haven’t seen this video, you HAVE to. Like ASAP!

“Bas Rutten Teaches You How to Bar Fight” Bar Logo

Also, I realized that I’ve mentioned it before, but I’ll say it again.



Until next time,


My Shiftgig Article on How to Deal With Underage Drinkers as a Bouncer


Just another article I wrote for Shiftgig earlier.

This one is definitely meant to help out the door men, floor guys, and bouncers who’s jobs are often the most frustrating and probably the lowest paying in a bar.

Anyway, here’s how to:

“Get Rid of That Annoying Underage Kid”

Underage Drinker

Until next time,


First Articles


I’ve recently started a new internship with a tech startup in Chicago called The best way to describe Shiftgig is use their own punchline which is that they are “…the LinkedIN of the service industry…”

Anyway, my specific title is Content Developer. Which basically means that I will be writing articles, blog posts, and doing Buzfeed-style work for them. It’s an exciting prospect, and it’s my first REAL professional level opportunity doing this kind of work.

But enough about me, I made this new category page because I thought it’d be unfitting to simply put my new posts in either the Professional or Entertainment categories. Especially, since the nature of the stuff I write on can fall into both categories.

On the one hand, I am working for someone and thus any articles I make would technically count as professional work. But, the fact of the matter is, the posts I make can hardly be considered anything but entertainment/humor given the content within them.

So with that in mind, I thought it’d be easier to just simply make a completely new category and then re-link all my stuff here.

Anyway, without any further delay here is my very first post that I made on


Until next time,